Uniblue DriverScanner 2018 v4.2.0.0 : was designed to help you scan and update your outdated system drivers to release the full power of your PC with Uniblue’s powerful new driver download management tool. Built with simplicity in mind, DriverScanner scans your computer to provide a list of drivers that need to be updated. With single click convenience, DriverScanner will then safely install each update on your PC.
Uniblue DriverScanner Key Features :
User Interface:
- Windows Familiar GUI
- System overview and recommendations
- System tray shortcut
- Shows Scan Progress
- Shows driver statuses
- Extensive Manual and Help
- LiveUpdate
- Inbuilt reporting system for bad drivers
Driver Scan:
- Scan summary and download history
- Driver download management technology
- Disk drives scan
- Display adapters scan
- DVD/CD-ROM drives scan
- IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers scan
- Monitors scan
- Network adapters scan
- Processors scan
- Other devices scan
- Sound, video and game controllers scan
- System devices scan
- Universal serial bus controllers scan
- Unplugged devices scan
- Simultaneous driver downloads
Backup & Restore:
- Easy driver backup
- Easy driver restore
- Windows restore points
DriverScanner Settings:
- Minimize DriverScanner to taskbar
- Minimize DriverScanner to tray
- Select number of simultaneous downloads
What’s New in Uniblue DriverScanner 2018 v4.2.0.0 ?
- 2018 Version
- Improvements to user interface
- Bug Fixes
Uniblue DriverScanner 2017 License Key
Uniblue DriverScanner 2017 License Key Computers run hardware devices, such as printers or graphics cards, using software called drivers. Without drivers you wouldn’t be able to print a document, read this webpage or connect to the Internet. All hardware elements in your PC, including your graphics and sound card, your motherboard, your hard disk, your modem or even your keyboard, come with drivers.
Initially these may have come preinstalled with the operating system, or you may have installed them from the manufacturer’s CD. However the manufacturers will since have improved these drivers by removing bugs and adding extra features or functionality. This means that unless you update your drivers regularly you may face any of a range of problems, from the relatively minor, such as hardware that seems buggy and poorly performing, to the more major such as hardware failures, conflicts and complete system crashes.
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